Curwen 21st Certificate Exhibition

Nov 07, 2023

Our 21st graduating Certificate group are about to celebrate the completion of their year long course with us with an exhibition of their work in our gallery.

The six printmakers, Liz Baker, Brian Crossman, Cathy D'Arcy, Riette Heimstra, Carol Munn-Giddings & Emma Wnukoski, will be there at the Open Day on Saturday 25th November 11 - 4.00, to chat and tell you all about their work. They look forward to sharing their work and achievements with you "All are welcome.  Please join us for mulled wine, juice and mince pies.  There will be prints, and more items for sale. Unique Hand printed gifts - ideal for Christmas! We look forward to seeing you" 

Cash or cards payments accepted.

The group exhibition will be in the gallery until 12th January 2024, for you to come and view free-of-charge. The gallery open hours are 10.00 - 4.00 on weekdays and some weekends - please call to check weekend opening days.

Directions to the studios are on our website and there is plenty of parking in our car park