Jun 07, 2019
Huge Congratulations to Stella Davis and Anthonine Arts-Zetteler from Ex Certificate Printmaking group 'Print 5' both had a piece accepted as part of this year's Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. Here they are at Varnishing Day at the Royal Academy, at Burlington House, Piccadilly. Anthonine’s print ‘Writer’s Block’ (monoprint, drypoint and screen) is in Gallery VII curated by Anne Desmet RA and Barbara Rae RA and Stella’s watercolour is in Gallery VIII curated by Bob and Roberta Smith RA. We are very proud to say that Stella also had a print sculpture shortlisted for this year’s Summer Exhibition and two mini prints exhibited at Southbank Printmakers in London.
“It was such an amazing day! A steel band, procession to St James’s Church on Piccadilly, a beautifully decorated buffet with champagne but best of all a first look at this year’s exhibition and a chance to meet other equally excited exhibiting artists”.