Apr 17, 2020
I attended a fantastic nature monoprinting day course at the Curwen centre in July 2019 with your tutor Hannah. The course was a huge inspiration for me at a time when I was finding printmaking somewhat frustrating.
I have also been making original monoprints into unique covers for a little book I have written which I put together by hand, called Field Days. In it there are reproduced monoprints of a selection of meadow plants/flowers that grow in our 11.5 acre field next door, which we are managing for nature. (we have a meadow and have now planted a new wood). I researched the names of the plants and their folk histories, and made simple monoprints of each species. The book covers are all totally unique monoprints, again from the meadow flowers in the field.
I hope to be back again sometime. I enjoyed it so much.