'Make it Big, Paint it Red' Curwen Volunteer Olivia Crawley End of Year Show

May 31, 2020

'At an university open day talk, a lecturer said they’d worked for someone who said; “When in doubt, make it big. If still in doubt, paint it red”. This phrase has stuck with me for some reason, so I thought it was an apt inspiration for my project. Thus started the last few months of me going slightly insane with the colour red. Rather than creating a single final piece, I decided to bring in pieces from every stage of the project to create a final installation, trying to create a comprehensive red experience.Within this, I wanted to involve sculptural elements alongside prints, as well as something that a visitor could take away as part of the ‘make it big’ side. Unfortunately, no one can visit this in person, but hopefully it is still enjoyable in digital form'
